Delivering Masterstrokes, Now & Ever

Remember as a kid when we used to hear an ad jingle, or see a brand logo, we would easily recognized the brand name. That is the power of brand. Our times as kids had fewer companies running for the top spot, but today we have a new brand emerging every other day providing something unique to the customers or if it's the similar product, reaching out to the customers in a unique way. But like it's said, reaching pinnacle is easier than sustaining there. The struggle starts at the top and so they need to take inimitable measures to win the race.
Earning loyalty, gaining client advocacy and creating a space for the offerings are no easy task any more. More so when the pandemic has completely disrupted the market. Brands that did more of CSR activities to help the needy, donated for social cause and aligned with the government to ease the relief work going out of their corporate definition have gained immense respect from the clients, consumers and public at large. However, there is a changing sentiment towards brand perception. With our Prime Minister's call to go `Vocal for Local', many people have started buying small items from local companies giving them economic boost. This will also help the country's economy to get boost while place some of its companies on global platform.
Brand is a perception and true that this perception can be created by the companies only. Vocal for Local is indeed an opportunity for the local companies to create their own global identity such as Patanjali, Bajaj, MDH and more brands that we Indian's are proud of. In this current edition of siliconindia Magazine, we bring to you the story of some such brands that have delivered masterstrokes when it comes to winning consumer heart. Read our annual edition of `Brand of the Year - 2020'.
Do let us know what you think!
Earning loyalty, gaining client advocacy and creating a space for the offerings are no easy task any more. More so when the pandemic has completely disrupted the market. Brands that did more of CSR activities to help the needy, donated for social cause and aligned with the government to ease the relief work going out of their corporate definition have gained immense respect from the clients, consumers and public at large. However, there is a changing sentiment towards brand perception. With our Prime Minister's call to go `Vocal for Local', many people have started buying small items from local companies giving them economic boost. This will also help the country's economy to get boost while place some of its companies on global platform.
Brand is a perception and true that this perception can be created by the companies only. Vocal for Local is indeed an opportunity for the local companies to create their own global identity such as Patanjali, Bajaj, MDH and more brands that we Indian's are proud of. In this current edition of siliconindia Magazine, we bring to you the story of some such brands that have delivered masterstrokes when it comes to winning consumer heart. Read our annual edition of `Brand of the Year - 2020'.
Do let us know what you think!