Cover Story
Quislex: Offering Strategically Salint Legal Support Service for Corporation & Litigation Work
Founded on the idea that even complex and intricate legal support services can be delivered more effectively and efficiently by introducing scalable, repeatable, well-managed process to legal work, QuisLex opened its doors on the April Fools' Day, 2004. The fundamental precept of its founding has not changed and remains the cornerstone of the company and the value it provides. Coming out of initial startup challenges, this bootstrapped company was prepared to deliver high quality legally demanding work from the outset.
The Future Landscape in the U.S. for Indians Taking the H & L Visa Routes
Mark I. Davies, Global Chairman and Abhinav Lohia, Partner, Davies & Associates, LLC
Direct to Consumer Prowess with Digital
Srividya Kannan, Founder & Director, Avaali Solutions
Digital Aptech: Introducing You the Next Era of Quality IT Services
Sujith Vasudevan
Open For Innovation: Orchestrating the Meeting of Technological Minds
Anup Sahoo, Founder, Ideapoke
An Executive's Keys to a Healthy & Viable Organization
Bryn Wesch, CFO, Novus Medical Detox Center
Demonetisation Affect in Indian Telecommunications industry
Sanjay Sinha, Head- India, Fortumo
Startup Financing: What Entrepreneurs Need to Know
Purushothama Reddy A, VP – Finance & Legal, Omega Healthcare
Six Tips to Plan your Sprints Better
Ishwar Sridharan, COO & Head of HR, Exotel
Sustainable Engineering & its Guidelines
Dr. Kamal Bansal, Dean, College of Engineering Studies, UPES
Direct to Consumer Prowess with Digital
Srividya Kannan, Founder & Director, Avaali Solutions