• Ajit Dayal: Taking Quantum Leaps with Uncompromising Integrity & Profound Competency
  • Ajit Dayal: Taking Quantum Leaps with Uncompromising Integrity & Profound Competency

    The world suffers from a lack of integrity and goodness. Financial firms are especially notorious for sacrificing their customers’ interests at the drop of a hat to enhance their salaries, bonuses and share price. Even the largest and the most ‘respected’ fund houses are willing to drive the cars and look blindly ahead even as their passengers are getting mugged in the back seat by the distribution channels, so that the CEOs & CIOs of such fund houses can keep multiplying their personal wealth.


Inspiring Generations to Come

Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor

C-level Executives Should be Data Scientists - Need of the Hour

Manish Bhatia, Director, IT, Spring Professional

Product Pay offs in Machine Learning

Ash Fontana, Managing Partner, Zetta Venture Partners

Blockchain: Its Present & Future

Sachin Goel, CIO, HCL Infosystems

Creativity, Innovation & Cultural Economy

Ankit Nalotia, Founder, Mo Mantra

The Cloud API Economy Ecosystem - Driving Disruption

Viswanathan N, Head - AI & Cognitive Digital Solutions, L&T Infotech

Managing Innovation: A Process View

Sachin Gupta, Co-Founder & CEO, HackerEarth

Big Data Analytics Market- Future Scope in India

Tomoyasu Nishimura, Senior VP, NEC Corporation

The Journey of Photography: From Box Cameras to DSLRS & Smartphone Cameras

Ranjit Yadav, Managing Director, Canvera Digital Technologies

Impact of GST on the Technology Manufacturing Sector

Chandrahas Panigrahi, Business Head & CMO, Acer India

GST: A Closer Look for MSMEs & Startups

Abhishek A Rastogi, Partner, Khaitan & Co.