
Marvel Vinyls: Creating Innovative Polymers for India's Automotive, Building, & Infrastructure Industries

 Ankit Chawla,  Director - Business Development

Ankit Chawla

Director - Business Development

Today’s business environment has seen a significant shift in business models, focusing on static coherence and dynamic change & innovation. Agile companies are currently observing dramatic growth by investing in strategic planning especially backed by an efficient team.

Marvel Vinyls with a legacy of 38+ years in building successful businesses is one of the largest players in the synthetic leather and vinyl flooring industry. While it further expands, it has proficiently forayed into the building and construction sector, predominantly around the waterproofing of large infrastructure projects like tunnels and dams, in addition to institutional buildings, hotels, hospitals, commercial malls, and large residential complexes.

Marvel being one of the most experienced and tech focused processors of engineered polymers (including PVC), understands the value of its committed and motivated workforce. It credits its team for not only contributing towards its success but also realizing its future vision. The company primarily has three business divisions - automotive interior materials, PVC floor coverings, and waterproofing solutions.

Employees are continuously encouraged and trained in cross-functional teams, which has resulted in multiple cases where people have had a chance to grow and move within various functions/divisions as per their interests. For Marvel, the entrepreneurial spirit amongst employees is key and hence the company values their aspirations.

“Freedom of expression is deeply valued and everyone is encouraged to share their ideas openly. Objectives are determined collaboratively, and implementation has a bottom-up approach. Conclusively, goals are also realistically determined and specifically measured in a time-bound manner. This approach has helped us retain many of our human assets for five, ten, and even twenty years, as well as build a legacy of dedicated employees in various support functions including finance, HR, and supply chain. These individuals have grown alongside the organization and witnessed its growth firsthand”, says Ankit Chawla, Director – Business Development.
The Climbing Up of the Ladder & Growth Opportunities

“Well, it's a combination of factors that helps keep the employee engaged throughout at Marvel. The company values the importance of fostering an entrepreneurial spirit at all levels, not just within the leadership. Even interns and fresh hires, such as GTs and MTs hired from institutions like DTU or IIFT are encouraged to think innovatively and take risks. We aim to cultivate this mindset from the internship level all the way to senior management", shares Ankit.

“At Marvel, we believe that developing more leaders is crucial. To achieve this, our main task is not just to operate, but also to bring in new leaders. To assess leadership skills, we rely on critical factors: knowing our business, knowing our customers' business, and team management and development skills. These factors help us identify and groom future leaders. While we have many highly capable individual contributors, we believe everyone has a place in our team”, shares Vikas Rastogi, Chief Operating Officer - Building and Construction Vertical.

Marvel is a collective team of people working together towards its goal to achieve sustainable growth & propel it to a $1 Billion company by 2030

Given the rising industry trends and developments, the company also ensures to provide continuous in-house and external training for continuous skill development of employees, including skill upgrades, personal development courses, team events, and safety drills. In this context, the company has also tied up with an organization to offer online courses for ethical practices and safe work practices, and it constructively ensures that each employee completes at least five to six courses every year for upskilling and maintaining safe & ethical work practices.

The company also provides sufficient flexibility to foster an entrepreneurial spirit. There is no daily monitoring of employee activities if they are meeting their personal, team, and organizational objectives, and if this is maintained employees are able to have optimum work-life balance. The compensation is market leading and the company has a low attrition rate compared to its industry peers. The work culture and environment are conducive to regular team meetings and events, which are organized at both the local offices and company-wide levels to promote engagement and integration within the organization.

At Marvel, there’s a culture of equality where everyone is given equal opportunities regardless of their role, religion, ethnicity, or gender. The workforce is quite diverse by design as the company strives to foster an inclusive and safe work environment where everyone can thrive.

Growth & Future Ahead

Over the past four decades, Marvel has had a track record of building strong businesses, and its success largely depends on the talented individuals who drive the business forward. One of its newest ventures, the waterproofing business, has been particularly successful in the field of tunnel water proofing, making it the number one company in this field within an extremely short time, thereby contributing to India’s self-reliance for infrastructure development. This achievement is a testament to the company’s effective leadership strategy and the team's execution.

“We plan to expand our waterproofing business further, along with our automotive interiors and vinyl floorings verticals. To achieve this, we intend to bring the latest trends and technologies from the best in the world. Our goal is to remain at the forefront of the industry spectrum”, concludes Ankit.