Ramaprasanna Chellamuthu
Founder & CEO
This technology professional quit his fun role of Evangelist in one of the biggies of the world, post a project failure. "I was charged to be not passionate about the technology product. I was awarded an under performer rating and my work-from-home privilege was cancelled. I then questioned myself - Technology is my passion. How can I be an under performer in my passion?" Ram recollects. He took this as a challenge and decided to build a company that endows the bliss of working from home through its software break throughs, so as to reinforce the real essence of
Rising Above the Challenges
When plunged into the realm, Ram was exposed to the harsh reality of the most-hyped lifestyle. Apart from the limited money and such other usual crunches, he was also confined by the of the overlooked facility. Calicom is one of such contrivances of his decision. As the torchbearer of the household name in Silicon Valley, which is celebrated for its cloud-based collaboration technology, he spearheads the team responsible for developing, marketing and supporting 'Board' technology, a software that empowers teams to interface seamlessly, irrespective of the countries they are located in.
people who doubted his capabilities. However, the comments could not shrink him down as he firmly believed that saying 'it's not possible' does not define him, rather it only shows the commentator's limitations. On the other side, he is also thankful to the angel investors who helped him to navigate the business by infusing around Rs.3.2 crores till date.
While he adores the legal system of U.S.,which unconditionally nurtures long-term
When plunged into the realm, Ram was exposed to the harsh reality of the most-hyped lifestyle. Apart from the limited money and such other usual crunches, he was also confined by the of the overlooked facility. Calicom is one of such contrivances of his decision. As the torchbearer of the household name in Silicon Valley, which is celebrated for its cloud-based collaboration technology, he spearheads the team responsible for developing, marketing and supporting 'Board' technology, a software that empowers teams to interface seamlessly, irrespective of the countries they are located in.
As the torch bearer of the house holds name of silcon valley , ram spearheads the teams responsible for developing marketing and supporting Board technology
people who doubted his capabilities. However, the comments could not shrink him down as he firmly believed that saying 'it's not possible' does not define him, rather it only shows the commentator's limitations. On the other side, he is also thankful to the angel investors who helped him to navigate the business by infusing around Rs.3.2 crores till date.
While he adores the legal system of U.S.,which unconditionally nurtures long-term
entrepreneurship he also wishes India to own the same culture. According to him, not only the legal systems, but also the education systems should push the students to thrive in the real-world. On the other hand, he encourages people to start up and instill genuine values in their endeavors, while he also suggests them to help each other to contribute towards a better future.
Making the World a Better Place
As a robotics and virtual reality fanatic, Ram is awarded as 'Young Scientist' for his work on Disaster alert system, while he is also the inventor of more than 10 technology innovations which include robots and smart gadgets. He has also played a major role in helping the victims of the recent Chennai floods by founding a platform where people could post their needs and reap-in the needed support. He is currently in talks with Anna University of Chennai to set up a research center in India to handhold his-a like research enthusiasts.
Who started out as an under-performer has today transformed to be a successful entrepreneur awarded with O1 Visa by the Office of Immigrations, U.S. - the Visa for people with outstanding abilities. A passionate technology professional, Ram has imbibed a unique, yet fun work culture in his offices, which allows the employees to work 2-3 days continuously and then take a holiday break. "We also have a concept of four-hour work day which enables us to work for four hours straight and then we take the day off," adds Ram.
Making the World a Better Place
As a robotics and virtual reality fanatic, Ram is awarded as 'Young Scientist' for his work on Disaster alert system, while he is also the inventor of more than 10 technology innovations which include robots and smart gadgets. He has also played a major role in helping the victims of the recent Chennai floods by founding a platform where people could post their needs and reap-in the needed support. He is currently in talks with Anna University of Chennai to set up a research center in India to handhold his-a like research enthusiasts.
Who started out as an under-performer has today transformed to be a successful entrepreneur awarded with O1 Visa by the Office of Immigrations, U.S. - the Visa for people with outstanding abilities. A passionate technology professional, Ram has imbibed a unique, yet fun work culture in his offices, which allows the employees to work 2-3 days continuously and then take a holiday break. "We also have a concept of four-hour work day which enables us to work for four hours straight and then we take the day off," adds Ram.