A year after Doddappa got his MBA degree he carried on this legacy in partnership with Dr Nooruddin Has an who also had envisioned the same idea by establishing Minds Solvit, an
innovative IT enterprise specializing in software development and software QA services,. Though the need to setup the first IT Company in the region boosted his confidence to establish Minds Solvit, acquiring exceptional candidates and international clients was easier said than done. Proving his mettle, not only he brought back skilled individuals who had previously worked for MNCs in metro cities, to Kalaburagi for leading the overlooked freshers, but also employed an effective long-term strategy for business, which propelled Minds Solvit ahead of its competitors on global platform. Doddappa's broader vision also garnered numerous accolades such as Indian Leadership Award for Industrial Development- 2014 in All India Achievers Foundation in Delhi and Fastest Growing Indian Company Excellence Award by International Achievers Conference held at Bangkok, Thailand among others.
Being a Good Human Being Firsthand
"One cannot become a successful individual without being a good human being," proclaims Doddappa. Hence, he attempts to influence his kids with ways of life in the same way he was inspired by his parents Sri Sharanabas
Though always manifest it was in college that Doddapa’s passion for entrepreneurship increased manified which led him to instigate multiple businesses
Being a Good Human Being Firsthand
"One cannot become a successful individual without being a good human being," proclaims Doddappa. Hence, he attempts to influence his kids with ways of life in the same way he was inspired by his parents Sri Sharanabas
appa V.Nisty and Smt Shantala Nisty; His highly supportive family, who has always been the driving force behind Doddappa, permits him to be both a dedicated entrepreneur and a dedicated family-man. Strongly believing that constantly training oneself with appropriate traits & knowledge is imperative to make the company bigger and stronger, Doddappa continues to generate & explore new business ideas. Advocating that leaders must appreciate their team's effort in achieving organizational goals, he has crafted a workplace with creative freedom and operates as a people's manager, rather than being a process manager.
Learning from Hardships
Though always manifest, it was in college that Doddappa's passion for entrepreneurship increased manifold, which led him to instigate multiple businesses. He used to spend ample time to understand and analyse in what way his earlier businesses could have worked better and shaped his latter ventures accordingly. Though he had found his calling with a successful venture called Sri Nisty Automotives, before embarking on Minds Solvit, he convinced himself that once the business has reached a decent level, it would no longer require his overall presence. But, this perfectionist ended up with shouldering the pressure of sailing two ships at once. Having successfully accomplished his vision, Doddappa shares the philosophy that drove him to pinnacle as follows: Take time to build your relationships. Know your strengths & weaknesses. Knowledge of issues, process and technologies makes a big difference. Be a team player and always be ready to go that extra mile. One can easily point out these in the DNA of Minds Solvit.
Learning from Hardships
Though always manifest, it was in college that Doddappa's passion for entrepreneurship increased manifold, which led him to instigate multiple businesses. He used to spend ample time to understand and analyse in what way his earlier businesses could have worked better and shaped his latter ventures accordingly. Though he had found his calling with a successful venture called Sri Nisty Automotives, before embarking on Minds Solvit, he convinced himself that once the business has reached a decent level, it would no longer require his overall presence. But, this perfectionist ended up with shouldering the pressure of sailing two ships at once. Having successfully accomplished his vision, Doddappa shares the philosophy that drove him to pinnacle as follows: Take time to build your relationships. Know your strengths & weaknesses. Knowledge of issues, process and technologies makes a big difference. Be a team player and always be ready to go that extra mile. One can easily point out these in the DNA of Minds Solvit.