• Metaverse: Here and Now

    Metaverse: Here and Now

    Roshan Shetty, Chief Revenue Officer, Sonata Software

    Despite being coined in Neal Stephenson's 1992 novel Snow Crash, the term Metaverse has become part of the public consciousness only over the past couple of years. So why has...Read More

  • Future of Workplaces with Women Thriving in Technology

    Future of Workplaces with Women Thriving in Technology

    Priyanka Jain, Co-Founder & Creative Director, uKnowva

    Over the past few years, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has picked up considerably making India one of the few nations to produce the highest number of...Read More

  • Unlocking ITC value
  • Unlocking ITC value

    Dr. Suresh Srinivasan, Distinguished Professor Strategy & Accounting at the Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai