Engineering Services and the Sustainability Paradigm

Ashish drives the Company’s technology roadmap to develop IP’s, Products, Platforms and Solutions to address emerging strategic high growth investment areas in Digital Engineering. He represents LTTS in CII R&D Committee and NASSCOM ER&D Committees. Over the last 29 years in the Industry, Ashish has always worked in domains and industries strongly driven and impacted by technology disruptions. His experience spans Technical and High-Performance Computing, Enterprise Products for building Technology Infrastructure for Networked Economy and Embedded Engineering Services.
Sustainability is in focus. With customers increasingly demanding cleaner, greener products and services, businesses worldwide are rapidly adopting to this vital strategy as a part of their corporate roadmap.
The move towards a green, sustainable economy is already well supported by global treaties and agreements, as witnessed by the 17 targets adopted by 193 nations as a part of the United nations Sustainable Development Goals Agreement. Intricate linkages, dependencies, and a long chain of events and processes both domestic and worldwide, to ensure that the road to sustainability is a multi-layered journey.
The Present Scenario
Businesses are increasingly declaring favor of attaining a sustainable, Net Zero future. As their ecosystem continues to expand across regional and continental boundaries, a conscious decision is needed on minimizing the impact of their environmental footprint.
As a part of this growing focus, a growing number of companies have pledged to the SBTi goals. These targets follow the UNSDG in defining a mature framework for long term sustainability objectives, besides encouraging the creation of a tactical plan for meeting the intermediate milestones. With the pledge being shared with investors, shareholders, customers, employees and other key stake holders, adherence to the stated targets reflects well on the organization and its overall commitment to the society at large.

Developing the Roadmap for a Green Tomorrow
Till recently, sustainability initiatives were associated with energy savings and replacement of fossil fuel with renewable alternates. However, there is a growing shift from this narrow view, with the focus moving towards covering all stages in a product’s lifecycle from its conception to end.
Businesses are therefore looking at all possible engineering and technology-led interventions to ensure that the product, the intermittent processes, and the final usage and disposal are in alignment with their overall commitment to the sustainability goals. Experience shows that irrespective of the product complexity, targeted engineering interventions at the different stages of the product lifecycle can indeed result in a dramatic reduction of its projected carbon footprint.
Sustainability is in focus. With customers increasingly demanding cleaner, greener products and services, businesses worldwide are rapidly adopting to this vital strategy as a part of their corporate roadmap.
Till recently,sustainability initiatives were associated with energy savings and replacement of fossil fuel with renewable alternates
The move towards a green, sustainable economy is already well supported by global treaties and agreements, as witnessed by the 17 targets adopted by 193 nations as a part of the United nations Sustainable Development Goals Agreement. Intricate linkages, dependencies, and a long chain of events and processes both domestic and worldwide, to ensure that the road to sustainability is a multi-layered journey.
The Present Scenario
Businesses are increasingly declaring favor of attaining a sustainable, Net Zero future. As their ecosystem continues to expand across regional and continental boundaries, a conscious decision is needed on minimizing the impact of their environmental footprint.
As a part of this growing focus, a growing number of companies have pledged to the SBTi goals. These targets follow the UNSDG in defining a mature framework for long term sustainability objectives, besides encouraging the creation of a tactical plan for meeting the intermediate milestones. With the pledge being shared with investors, shareholders, customers, employees and other key stake holders, adherence to the stated targets reflects well on the organization and its overall commitment to the society at large.

Developing the Roadmap for a Green Tomorrow
Till recently, sustainability initiatives were associated with energy savings and replacement of fossil fuel with renewable alternates. However, there is a growing shift from this narrow view, with the focus moving towards covering all stages in a product’s lifecycle from its conception to end.
Businesses are therefore looking at all possible engineering and technology-led interventions to ensure that the product, the intermittent processes, and the final usage and disposal are in alignment with their overall commitment to the sustainability goals. Experience shows that irrespective of the product complexity, targeted engineering interventions at the different stages of the product lifecycle can indeed result in a dramatic reduction of its projected carbon footprint.