Oral Health Scenario In India: Challenges And Solutions

With skills in business development & strategy planning and experience in budgeting, business development, concept development, consulting, customer relations, customer service, due diligence, equities, financial forecasting, graphic design, human resources, instruction, insurance, inventory management and leadership, Harminder contributes to the development of dental healthcare.
A mere toothache! This is how most people in India perceive issues pertaining to dental health. However, it is well researched fact that oral and dental health are integral parts of the overall well being of any individual. It is thus not surprising to note that a whopping 95 percent of adults suffer from gum diseases. Also, it is not just adults in the country that are battling with tooth and gum issues. It is pegged that every three out of five school-going children also experience dental decay and eventually severe pain.
Along with this, India is leading in oral cancer occurrences in the world. With a high number of tobacco consumers and negligible oral hygiene maintenance, oral health status is highly endangered in the country.
The cancerous conditions witnessed in India have been unique to those found in the rest of the world. Due to the highest consumption of smokeless tobacco like beedis, gutkha, khaini, etc. which is predominantly seen in the Indian subcontinent, oral lesions such as oral submucous fibrosis, and leukoplakia are on the rise.
Most people are not aware but oral health is one of the most crucial shields against deadly diseases across the world. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and associated complications, oral care has proven to be of utmost importance.
However, a huge disconnect between the Indian population and dental care emerges out of the insufficient strength of dental professionals. Hardly 2.73 lakh dentists are responsible for providing dental care to 1.3 billion Indians. Such imbalance makes it difficult to provide adequate access to primary dental health services at all times.
Furthermore, 72 percent of the Indian population resides in rural India where primary access to dental care still seems like a far-fetched thought. Due to the extreme shortage of dental job opportunities in both public and private sectors, and the unavailability of basic amenities in the villages, dentists prefer settling down in urban areas.
Most importantly, the lack of dental awareness and negligence towards early dental care has led the Indian population to approach a dentist only when they are in severe discomfort or pain. Such ignorance has resulted in every second Indian suffering from a dental issue with or without knowing and in most cases losing their teeth early in life.
For this, chronic dental problems such as periodontitis, completely damaged tooth portion commonly known as root stumps, complete loss of teeth, etc. have become extremely common.
Wellness Plans For Oral Care
Another challenge to good oral health in India, is the lack of dental insurance facilities in the mainstream health insurance domain. As much as health insurance and related advantages have seen a surge in the past decade, oral care still remains an untouched topic among them.
Neglected oral health further leads to serious dental complications that decrease the quality of life of an individual, lowers the appetite, hampers productivity and confidence in the professional sphere, and affects mental health in multiple ways.
Furthermore, poor oral health is known to be linked with more than 120 systemic diseases that are life-threatening. Diseases like bacterial pneumonia, subacute endocarditis, heart blockages, and even preterm pregnancies have their roots connected to poor oral hygiene.
Such challenges have prevailed in the Indian dental industry for decades now. However, with adequate attention, these problems can be dealt with.
Taking Care Of Your Teeth
1)Brushing, Flossing And Gargles
To begin with, an increase in dental awareness, incorporation of simple oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice a day, flossing and tongue cleaning every day, gargles and mouthwash, have effectively reduced the viral load and incidence of dental ailments among masses.
2)Pay A Visit To Your Dentist
Basic changes in lifestyle by visiting a dentist twice a year, opting for professional dental cleanings, and religiously paying attention to early signs of dental problems will reduce a fair share of dental health atrocities in the country.
With the evolution of tele dentistry, patients can now connect with dental experts from all across India overaudio or video calls in a hassle-free manner. Such helpful technologies during these tough times must be promoted to ensure wide access to the larger population from the comfort of their homes.
3)No To Sugar
Due to the gradual switch towards refined and high in sugar foods in our daily diet, the ability of our teeth to self cleanse and repair has reduced significantly. Making conscious changes in the diet and replacing the modern, refined, soft food items with fibre-rich fruits, vegetables, and grains can augment dental health status among individuals.
A strict check on dental clinics and hospitals by organisations and dental councils to regulate the price and quality of dental treatment can eventually reduce the hesitation of patients towards getting dental treatment by multitudes. Apart from this, there should be a constant review of sanitisation, dental equipment and protocols followed by dentists.
Appropriate dental care begins at home. A conscious change in our attitude and open approach to receive and provide regular, safe and highquality dental care can bridge the gaps between oral health and its maintenance in India.
A mere toothache! This is how most people in India perceive issues pertaining to dental health. However, it is well researched fact that oral and dental health are integral parts of the overall well being of any individual. It is thus not surprising to note that a whopping 95 percent of adults suffer from gum diseases. Also, it is not just adults in the country that are battling with tooth and gum issues. It is pegged that every three out of five school-going children also experience dental decay and eventually severe pain.
A strict check on dental clinics and hospitals by organisations and dental councils to regulate the price and quality of dental treatment can eventually reduce the hesitation of patients towards getting dental treatment by multitudes
Along with this, India is leading in oral cancer occurrences in the world. With a high number of tobacco consumers and negligible oral hygiene maintenance, oral health status is highly endangered in the country.
The cancerous conditions witnessed in India have been unique to those found in the rest of the world. Due to the highest consumption of smokeless tobacco like beedis, gutkha, khaini, etc. which is predominantly seen in the Indian subcontinent, oral lesions such as oral submucous fibrosis, and leukoplakia are on the rise.
Most people are not aware but oral health is one of the most crucial shields against deadly diseases across the world. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and associated complications, oral care has proven to be of utmost importance.
However, a huge disconnect between the Indian population and dental care emerges out of the insufficient strength of dental professionals. Hardly 2.73 lakh dentists are responsible for providing dental care to 1.3 billion Indians. Such imbalance makes it difficult to provide adequate access to primary dental health services at all times.
Furthermore, 72 percent of the Indian population resides in rural India where primary access to dental care still seems like a far-fetched thought. Due to the extreme shortage of dental job opportunities in both public and private sectors, and the unavailability of basic amenities in the villages, dentists prefer settling down in urban areas.
Most importantly, the lack of dental awareness and negligence towards early dental care has led the Indian population to approach a dentist only when they are in severe discomfort or pain. Such ignorance has resulted in every second Indian suffering from a dental issue with or without knowing and in most cases losing their teeth early in life.
For this, chronic dental problems such as periodontitis, completely damaged tooth portion commonly known as root stumps, complete loss of teeth, etc. have become extremely common.
Wellness Plans For Oral Care
Another challenge to good oral health in India, is the lack of dental insurance facilities in the mainstream health insurance domain. As much as health insurance and related advantages have seen a surge in the past decade, oral care still remains an untouched topic among them.
Neglected oral health further leads to serious dental complications that decrease the quality of life of an individual, lowers the appetite, hampers productivity and confidence in the professional sphere, and affects mental health in multiple ways.
Furthermore, poor oral health is known to be linked with more than 120 systemic diseases that are life-threatening. Diseases like bacterial pneumonia, subacute endocarditis, heart blockages, and even preterm pregnancies have their roots connected to poor oral hygiene.
Such challenges have prevailed in the Indian dental industry for decades now. However, with adequate attention, these problems can be dealt with.
Taking Care Of Your Teeth
1)Brushing, Flossing And Gargles
To begin with, an increase in dental awareness, incorporation of simple oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice a day, flossing and tongue cleaning every day, gargles and mouthwash, have effectively reduced the viral load and incidence of dental ailments among masses.
2)Pay A Visit To Your Dentist
Basic changes in lifestyle by visiting a dentist twice a year, opting for professional dental cleanings, and religiously paying attention to early signs of dental problems will reduce a fair share of dental health atrocities in the country.
With the evolution of tele dentistry, patients can now connect with dental experts from all across India overaudio or video calls in a hassle-free manner. Such helpful technologies during these tough times must be promoted to ensure wide access to the larger population from the comfort of their homes.
3)No To Sugar
Due to the gradual switch towards refined and high in sugar foods in our daily diet, the ability of our teeth to self cleanse and repair has reduced significantly. Making conscious changes in the diet and replacing the modern, refined, soft food items with fibre-rich fruits, vegetables, and grains can augment dental health status among individuals.
A strict check on dental clinics and hospitals by organisations and dental councils to regulate the price and quality of dental treatment can eventually reduce the hesitation of patients towards getting dental treatment by multitudes. Apart from this, there should be a constant review of sanitisation, dental equipment and protocols followed by dentists.
Appropriate dental care begins at home. A conscious change in our attitude and open approach to receive and provide regular, safe and highquality dental care can bridge the gaps between oral health and its maintenance in India.